Overview There is an m*n matrix that contains non-negative integers. The objective is to find a minimum sum path moving from Top-Left to Bottom-Right. You can only move right or down. For…
Same binary tree program
Overview The objective is to find if two given binary trees are the same or notExampleBelow trees are the same Tree 1 Tree 2 Program Here is the program for the same….
Design an URL shortening service like bit.ly
Overview The URL shortening service is used to shorten a long URL. The short URL will not be dependent upon the length of the actual URL. For https://techbyexample/system-design/whatsapp-system-design should be shortened to…
Understanding Base64 encoding/decoding
Overview Base64 is also known as Base64 Content-Transfer-Encoding. Base64 is the encoding of binary data into ASCII text. But it uses only 64 characters and plus one padding character which are present…
Program for length of the last word in a string
Overview The objective is to find the length of the last word in a given string Example Program Here is the program for the same. Output
Plus one program or Add one to an integer array
Overview An integer array is given. Overall this integer array represents a number. So let’s say the integer array name is digits then digitis[i] denote the ith digit of the integer. The…
Program to Partition a linked list
Overview A linked list is given. Also, a target value is given. Partition the given linked list in such a way all values less than target values comes before all the values…
Best time to Buy-Sell Stocks Program
Overview An array prices is given where prices[i] represent the price of a stock on the ith day. You can only buy and sell once. Find the max profit you can earn…
Unique Paths Program
Overview There is an m*n grid. There is a robot at the position (0,0). The robot can only move in the right direction and down direction. What is the total number of…
Remove all occurrences of a given value in an array in place
Overview An integer array is given and a target element is given. Remove all occurrences of that target element from the array. The removal must be done in place Program Here is…