To login into p4 programmatically, You may write a script something like the below which takes username and password. It is done in two steps.
Step 1: Set environment variables. (create entries in ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc or equivalent and source it)
export P4USER=myuser
source ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc
Step 2: Trust the machine using ‘p4 trust’ and try to login
There are two functions in the below code. One is for running the OS command and another is to perform the login. In the script, We first check that is a trust established between machine and server? then further we try to login.
import os
import sys
import subprocess
#Utility function to run the OS commands
def execute_shell_command(commands, raise_if_error=True, capture_output=True):
print('Running Command: %s' % ' '.join(commands))
if capture_output:
p = subprocess.Popen(commands, cwd=None, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
out ='utf-8')
err ='utf-8')
p = subprocess.Popen(commands)
exit_status = p.returncode
print('Output: Exit Status : %s' % exit_status)
if exit_status != 0 and raise_if_error:
if capture_output:
raise Exception('Error in running os command: %s. Exit Code: %d, Stdout: `%s`, Stderr: `%s`' % (' '.join(commands), exit_status, out, err))
raise Exception('Error in running os command: %s. Exit Code: %d' % (' '.join(commands), exit_status))
return exit_status
#Function to perform perforce login
def p4_login(ticket, attempt_login=True):
#First check trust is established between P4 server and the machine.
if ticket is not None:
exitStatus = execute_shell_command(['p4', 'trust', '-y', '-f'], raise_if_error=False)
if exitStatus != 0:
sys.exit('Error: p4 trust has been failed. Please check perforce documentation')
exitStatus = execute_shell_command(['p4', '-P', ticket, 'monitor', 'show'], raise_if_error=False)
if exitStatus != 0:
sys.exit('Error: Ticket may be expired. please check.')
exitStatus = execute_shell_command(['p4', 'login', '-s'], raise_if_error=False)
if exitStatus != 0:
if attempt_login:
print('Please enter your Password:')
execute_shell_command(['p4', 'login'], capture_output=False)
p4_login(ticket, attempt_login=False)
sys.exit('Error: You have not logged into Perforce successfully. Please check perforce documentation')
#Now use it something like this
p4_ticket = os.environ.get('P4_TICKET')
To use the script, save the above script in some file say ‘’, and then run the following command in the terminal.
source ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc