A binary tree is given. The objective is to find the maximum Path Sum in that binary tree. A path in a binary tree is a sequence of nodes that are connected to each other. Each node only appears once in the Maximum Path Sum
Example 1
Output: 16
Maximum Sum Path is: 4->2->1->3->6
Example 2
Output: 14
Maximum Sum Path is: 5->3->6
The idea is to track below four values at every node
- a = root.Val
- b = root.Val + leftSubTreeMaxSum
- c = root.Val + rightSubTreeMaxSum
- d = root.Val + leftSubTreeMaxSum+ rightSubTreeMaxSum
- Max sum at a given node is given max of (a,b,c,d)
- The return value in the recursive call would be a max of (a,b,c). Why? This is because only the path of a or b or c represents a path that can be taken into account at the parent node. d cannot be taken into account because it becomes an invalid path. To understand this with an example consider the binary tree in example two above. Path 5->3->6 cannot include parent node -5 in its path because it becomes an invalid path.
Below is the program for the same
package main
import (
type TreeNode struct {
Val int
Left *TreeNode
Right *TreeNode
func maxPathSum(root *TreeNode) int {
res := math.MinInt64
maxPathSumUtil(root, &res)
return res
func maxPathSumUtil(root *TreeNode, res *int) int {
if root == nil {
return 0
l := maxPathSumUtil(root.Left, res)
r := maxPathSumUtil(root.Right, res)
a := root.Val
b := root.Val + l
c := root.Val + r
d := root.Val + l + r
maxReturnSum := maxOfThree(a, b, c)
maxSumPath := maxOfTwo(maxReturnSum, d)
if maxSumPath > *res {
*res = maxSumPath
return maxReturnSum
func maxOfThree(a, b, c int) int {
if a > b && a > c {
return a
if b > c {
return b
return c
func maxOfTwo(a, b int) int {
if a > b {
return a
return b
func main() {
root := &TreeNode{Val: 1}
root.Left = &TreeNode{Val: 2}
root.Left.Left = &TreeNode{Val: 4}
root.Right = &TreeNode{Val: 3}
root.Right.Left = &TreeNode{Val: 5}
root.Right.Right = &TreeNode{Val: 6}
output := maxPathSum(root)
root = &TreeNode{Val: -10}
root.Left = &TreeNode{Val: 2}
root.Left.Left = &TreeNode{Val: 4}
root.Right = &TreeNode{Val: 3}
root.Right.Left = &TreeNode{Val: 5}
root.Right.Right = &TreeNode{Val: 6}
output = maxPathSum(root)
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